Journal articles
“Gender Gaps in Early Childhood Development in Latin America and the Caribbean”, with Alba Sóñora-Noya and Samuel Berlinski. Forthcoming in Economics and Human Biology.
“Does College Selectivity Reduce Obesity? A Partial Identification Approach”, with Giorgio Brunello, Dimitris Christelis, and Anastasia Terskaya. Health Economics, 1-15, 2024.
“Sibling Differences in Genetic Propensity for Education: How do Parents React?”, with Anastasia Terskaya. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1-44, 2023. Appendix available here.
“Gender Norms in High School: Impacts on Risky Behaviors from Adolescence to Adulthood”, with Núria Rodríguez-Planas and Anastasia Terskaya. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 196: 429-456, 2022.
“Is the Math Gender Gap Associated with Gender Equality? Only in Low-Income Countries”, with Brindusa Anghel and Núria Rodríguez-Planas. Economics of Education Review, 79, 2020.
“Association of a Genetic Risk Score with BMI along the Life-Cycle: Evidence from several US Cohorts”, with Anastasia Terskaya and Angie Upegui. PLoS ONE, 15(9), 2020.
«Not Only in My Genes: The Effects of Peers’ Genotype on Obesity«, with Giorgio Brunello and Anastasia Terskaya. Journal of Health Economics, 72, 102349, 2020.
“The Impact of Health Insurance on Stockholding: A Regression Discontinuity Approach”, with Dimitris Christelis and Dimitris Georgarakos. Journal of Health Economics, 69, 102246, 2020.
“Minimum Wage: Does it Improve Welfare in Thailand?”, with Julián Messina and Ximena del Carpio. Review of Income and Wealth, 65(2): 358-382, 2019.
“Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Social Norms and Teenage Smoking”, with Núria Rodríguez-Planas. Social Science and Medicine, 222: 122-132, 2019.
“The Labor Market in Spain, 2002-2016”, with Anastasia Terskaya. IZA World of Labor, 403, 2017.
“Coverage of Infertility Treatment and Fertility Outcomes”, with Matilde P. Machado. SERIEs – Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 6(4): 407-439, 2015.
“Wage Rigidity and Disinflation in Emerging Countries”, with Julián Messina. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 6(1): 102-133, 2014.
“Smoking Persistence Across Countries: a Panel Data Analysis”, with Dimitris Christelis. Journal of Health Economics, 30: 1077-1093, 2011.
“Smoking Habits: Like Father, Like Son, Like Mother, Like Daughter?”, with María Loureiro and Daniela Vuri. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 72(6): 717-746, 2010. Paper ranked among IZA Top 10 Downloads.
“The Rise of Obesity in Europe: an Economic Perspective”, with Giorgio Brunello and Pierre-Carl Michaud. Economic Policy, 57: 553-96, 2009.
“Moral Hazard and the Demand for Health Services: a Matching Estimator Approach”, with Pedro Pita Barros and Matilde P. Machado. Journal of Health Economics, 27: 1006-1025, 2008.
“Parental Divorce and Students’ Performance: Evidence from Longitudinal Data”, with Daniela Vuri. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 69(3): 321-338, 2007.
“The Euro Area Wage Curve”, with Jarkko Turunen. Economics Letters, 92: 93-98, 2006.
“Job-Lock and Public Policy: Evidence from Clinton’s Second Mandate”. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59(3): 430-437, 2006.
Publications in books and other publications
“Comments on ‘Wage Curve Evidence from Turkish Regional Data: 2004-2008’, by Gonca Konyali”, Investigaciones Regionales, 24: 209-2010, Special issue on ‘Regional wage inequality: recent trends and labour market impacts’, 2012.
“Universitats i Estudis a Catalunya: una Anàlisi Comparativa”, with Julián Messina and Elena del Rey, in A. Serra Ramoneda (Ed.), Educació Superior i Treball a Catalunya. Estudi de la Inserció Laboral dels Graduats de les Universitats Públiques Catalanes, pp. 299-328. AQU, 2007 (in Catalan).
“Comments on ‘The Effect of Home-Ownership on Labor Mobility in The Netherlands’, by Michael van Leuvensteijn and Pierre Koning”, in J. Messina, C. Michelacci, J. Turunen and G. Zoega (Eds.), Labour Market Adjustment in Europe, Edward Elgar Press, 2006.
“L’Effetto del Divorzio sulle Performance Scolastiche dei Figli”, with Daniela Vuri, in G. Brunello, D. Checchi, C. Lucifora and A. Ichino (Brucchi Luchino, Eds.), Per un’analisi Critica del Mercato del Lavoro, Mulino, Laterza, 2005 (in Italian).
“Reconciling Motherhood and Work: Evidence from Time Use Data in Three Countries”, with Andrea Ichino, in D. S. Hamermesh and G. Pfann (Eds.), The Economics of Time Use, pp. 263-288, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2004.
Popular writing (non-technical)
“Cruce de Caminos: Género y Trayectoria en el Mundo Profesional”, with Julián Messina and Anastasia Terskaya. Article appeared in Nada es Gratis, 2023 (in Spanish).
“¿Cómo responden los padres a las diferencias entre sus hijos y qué pueden aprender los economistas de los datos genéticos?”, with Anastasia Terskaya. Article appeared in Nada es Gratis, 2023 (in Spanish).
“Los efectos socio-genéticos y la obesidad: ¿nos afectan los genes de nuestros pares?”, with Giorgio Brunello and Anastasia Terskaya. Article appeared in Nada es Gratis, 2021 (in Spanish).
“Mujeres, hombres, resultados socioeconómicos y conductas de riesgo: el papel de la identidad de género”. Serie Fronteras del Conocimiento. Madrid: Funcas, 2018 (in Spanish).
“La cobertura sanitaria y las decisiones financieras individuales”, with Dimitris Christelis and Dimitris Georgarakos. Article appeared in Nada es Gratis, 2016 (in Spanish).
“The Rise of Obesity in Europe: an Economic Perspective”, with Giorgio Brunello and Pierre-Carl Michaud. Article appeared in Voxeu, 2009.